Join Our FREE VirtualĀ Party
May 3rd 8:30 - 10:30 am EDT

You know I can't resist a good party!

So many great things happening in the assessment world, I thought we should celebrate!

Join me on Friday, May 3rd at 8:30 where we'll explore:

  • Applied Learning in the Flow of WorkĀ - what people need and expect from today's learning experiences, the barriers, and how you can remove those barriers using Everything DiSC on Catalyst's new features (plus a sneak peek at Catalyst admin functions and other innovative features coming in 2024)
  • Integrating Assessments into Onboarding & Coaching - we'll use PXT Select as an example, but this framework works with any assessment
  • Are Competencies Still a Thing? - featuring the new (more user friendly) WorkPlace Big Five Profile report formats
  • Can People Be Too Courteous and Respectful? - a 360 case study that explained everything for one of my clients

Of course, there will be opportunities to win fabulous prizes and to network with other assessment lovers just like you!

Please register below, so I can send you the link to join.

Register here: